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二十四(2)夜色 yehua 4.c om(1 / 4)

米卢轻笑了声,将她连身短裙又推高一点,方便进出,他讲:“宝贝,他对你们都没有兴趣。” 明十只是斯斯文文地喝着酒,偶尔转动着酒杯。 小舞台上,那个女人唱得投入,已经闭上了眼睛。 “you and i moving in the dark bodies close but souls apart shadowed smiles secrets unrevealed i need to know the way u feel i’ll give u everything i am and everything i want to be i’ll put it in your hands if u could open up to me oh can’t we ever get beyond this wallcause all i want is just once to see u in the light but u hide behind the color of the night i can’t go onrunning from the past love has torn away this mask and now like clouds, like rain i’m drowning and i blame it all on u i’m lost god save me i’ll give u everything i am and everything i want to be i’ll put it in your hands if u could open up to me oh can’t we ever get beyond this wall cause all i want is just once to see u in the light but u hide behindthe colorof the night i’ll give u everything i am and ev

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